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Work out at identical time daily for effective weight loss

It is important for your body to get at least 30 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity every day. But if you have a weight loss goal, you need at least an hour of exercise every day. Consistency regarding the time of exercising also plays a big role in helping you to reach your 

weight loss goals.

The Article on Obesity published a study arisen that consistency in the time of exercise can help a person lose optimum weight more easily. The findings also suggested that sticking to the same time leads to higher physical activity levels. This is regardless of whether a person exercised at the same time in the morning, afternoon, or evening. In the study, researchers looked at the habits of 375 healthy adults who were successful in maintaining their weight by engaging in regular moderate to vigorous physical activity. Most of these people reported that they exercised at the same time every day.
Experts have noticed that sometimes when people try to exercise regularly, they tend to change the type of exercise or the timing. This is not advisable, especially in light of the above findings.


Taking out time of our busy schedule just to exercise is not at all easy. But finding the perfect time to work out can be even harder, especially when you have to stay consistent and do it at the same time every day. Though there is no reliable science-backed proof indicating that a certain time of the day is the best to burn calories, it can still influence how you are feeling while exercising. To pick the best time suitable for you, just exercise at different times during the day and see which time suits you the most.
Here, we try to make your task a little easier by revealing the benefits of exercising during the mornings, afternoons, and nights. Read on and choose the time that is best for you.

Working Out In The Morning

Morning can be a great time to exercise. This is because you are stomach is empty after a long night of sleep and this supports the burning of stored fat in your body. This is the time of the day when you also have increased levels of the growth hormone cortisol, which influences your metabolism. It enables you to use more energy from your fat reserves. The Journal of Physiology published a study saying that your body clock can be shifted accordingly if you exercise at 7 a.m. and you will start feeling more alert during the morning.
This will result in you getting tired earlier in the evening and it will mean that you will go to bed early as well. This starts a cycle where you get up early, go to bed early, and get up early the next morning totally refreshed. Even if you are not an early riser, you can still try it out. Your body will quickly get used to it. Exercising in the morning is also good if you have a busy schedule lined up for the rest of the day.

Working Out In The Afternoon

Working out during the afternoon is a great idea if you plan a long and rigorous exercise regimen. This is because you have already had food in your system and eating leads to an increase in blood sugar levels in your body. This sugar, in the form of glucose in your blood, is needed if you are trying out an exercise routine that is higher in intensity. A study in the Journal of Physiology found that, just like in the case of an early morning workout, exercising between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. can shift your body clock forward according to your routine. This can help you avoid a slump at the end of the day.

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