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Why do not wear tight clothes and high heels sandal?

tight pants

Today's time is the time of fashion. Tight jeans Pant and T-shirts are likely to be the choice of everybody, but it has been telling the doctors that many patients can be diagnosed with many health problems through it. Experts say that tight pencil skirts and T-shirts, bikinis,s and bra, high heels shoes, and sandals are inviting leprosy and skin problems. Even most people know that its effect but due to fashion they don’t avoid it.

The demerit of wearing tight clothes:

1. vena pressed :

Due to the effects of tight pants, the problem of circulation of blood in vain in our body. Due to that effect on the thigh and hip. This affects especially in the pelvic area of women. Due to skin tissue burning around the thigh leg and back, it causes skin problems. The tight cloth makes blood flow slowly to the body.

Today, due to fashion, women wear high heels or sandals; know that it affects the foot from the back to the spinal cord. In the beginning, its effect is seen in the form of swelling in the legs, but the repetition of the use of high heels begins to cause serious problems in the toes, foot pain, nerve strain, back pain, backache, and knee pain. Which is later becomes more serious.

3. Occur Spin and muscle misbalance:

Tight pants and T-skirts affect muscle and bone joints. In starting, this problem not more is seen but time going on can be seen very serious in our body, so we should be careful about wearing these types of clothes. According to many surveys occur different Venus and joint problem by wearing the tight T-shirt and heel sandal.

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